Township: (570) 275-5521  |  Police Department: (570) 275-5611  |  Emergencies: 911

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Mahoning Township Email Blasts

Good morning Everyone!

We would like to welcome you all to this brand-new “Email Blasts” feature of the Mahoning Township website.  Whenever we have important updates or upcoming news, you will find this information directly in your mailbox! Please note that the email blast may land in your spam or junk folder, so be sure to mark it as not spam to continue receiving updates in a timely manner. 

Don’t forget to check out our newly redesigned website and peruse the What’s Happening page to stay up to date with what’s happening around Mahoning Township.

Have a great weekend!




Our Community

Committed to keeping Mahoning Township residents informed about the many services, events, and community programs available to them. Have questions or comments about the latest Mahoning Township news?