Township: (570) 275-5521  |  Police Department: (570) 275-5611  |  Emergencies: 911

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Department of Streets & Infrastructure “DSI”

From road construction to snow removal, to storm water management, this department plays a crucial role in the community!

Mahoning DSI

The primary mission of The Department of Street & Infrastructure is to maintain the Township infrastructure which includes roads, stormwater systems, signage, Township building & grounds, equipment, as well as maintenance of Township Right-of Ways.

The Department of Street & Infrastructure maintains all Township Right-of Ways by mowing and pruning regularly. Much of this is conducted by our staff and on occasion, we contract for some tree removal. The Department of Street & Infrastructure is also responsible for the maintenance of the Township building itself; interior and exterior. Collectively, our staff brings many trades to the table including carpentry, welding, plumbing, electrical, and much more all to serve you better.

A citizen volunteer, Karen Robertson maintains our beautiful garden situated along Bloom Road in front of the township building.

The Department of Streets & Infrastructure maintains an array of vehicles and equipment to serve the residents and visitors to Mahoning Township. All the equipment has a purpose, is properly operated by trained and experienced personnel, and is very well maintained. The staff in the Department of Street & Infrastructure provides invaluable service and expertise to the citizens of Mahoning Township.

Full-Time Street Department Employee

The Mahoning Township Board of Supervisors will be accepting resumes for the position of a Full-Time Street Department Employee. A Class B – CDL License is required. The Street Dept. Employees are responsible for maintenance of the Township roadways, including, but not limited to, paving, drainage, signage maintenance, etc. Click below for the full description and how to apply!


Mahoning Township maintains approximately 31 miles of paved road surfaces. The Department of Street & Infrastructure conducts all base repairs of roads and berms in preparation of contracted paving services. To that end we call upon our heavy-duty dump trucks as we haul our own asphalt, we use our backhoe, roller, and other specialized tools.

We also plow snow and spread salt & cinders on all our township roads as needed. We contract Street Sweeping services in the springtime to collect the cinders from the winter.  Sometimes, weather plays a significant role in the contributions made by the members of the Department of Street & Infrastructure. Snow removal, for example, our five (5) snowplows and on occasion our snowblower, generally requires 3-4 hours to make one pass of an assigned route. As snow fall increases in length, or intensity, many passes with the plows are necessary to maintain the roads in cleared condition for Township citizens. This makes for many long hours for our Street Department, often working through the night, then returning the next day to conduct further clean-up. You can assist in the efforts of the Street Department to keep the roads clear during snow falls by parking your vehicles, where possible, in your driveway when snow is forecasted.

Mahoning Township Department of Street & Infrastructure also maintains all traffic control devices (signage) as well as two traffic lights: one at Bloom Road & Academy Avenue and another at Woodbine Lane and Route 11. We also re-paint all double yellow & fog lines on township roads each year.

Please note that we do not and cannot maintain State Roads such as Bloom Road, Kaseville Road, or Schoolhouse Road, etc. Nor do we maintain road surfaces that exist within private developments.

Stormwater Systems

Mahoning Township is committed to the proper maintenance of all our stormwater and drainage systems including stormwater pipes, basins, risers, and grates. Similar to road maintenance, this is an ongoing process of continuous monitoring and maintenance requiring specialized equipment and personnel.

Heavy downpours of rain can also result in long and late hours for the Department of Street & Infrastructure. As creeks and streams overflow their banks, it is often the result of yard waste – branches, clippings-etc. – that have been thrown into the dry creeks and streams that, in a downpour, then block and clog culverts and drainpipes. This results in increased property damage for homeowners downstream and requires the Department of Street & Infrastructure to deploy in the midst of the storm with equipment and crew to remove the debris. You can reduce this from happening by helping to ensure yard waste is not put into the streams and creeks.