Township: (570) 275-5521  |  Police Department: (570) 275-5611  |  Emergencies: 911

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“Leaf Collection” for 2022 started Tuesday, October 18th, 2022.  Bagged leaves only (No grass clippings or sticks) will be collected Tuesdays and Thursdays. There will be NO Pick-up on Tuesday, November 22nd & Thursday, November 24th (Thanksgiving week). Pick up hours are between 9am and 4pm.  Last day for collection will be Thursday, December 15th, 2022.  To schedule a pick-up, you must email JDOG at or call 570-759-7715.  Please give JDOG your name, street address and how many bags you have ready. Maximum of 5 Bags per pick-up that should not exceed 50 pounds. Leaves must be at curbside by 9am.




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