Township: (570) 275-5521  |  Police Department: (570) 275-5611  |  Emergencies: 911

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Leaf Collection starts Tuesday, October 26th, 2021.  Leaves will be collected Tuesdays and Thursdays, between the hours of 9am and 4pm.  No pick-up on Thursday, November 25th.  The last day for pick-up will be Thursday, December 16th, 2021. This service is for residents, not Commercial Service businesses. Residents must email JDog at or call 570-759-7715, for pick-up. Please give JDog your name, address and the number of bags you have ready. Leaves must be at curbside by 9am. Maximum of 5 bags per pick-up not to exceed 50 pounds. Details are also located on our website at
Our Community

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